Tying - kellyholt6

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kellyholt6
Typing can be difficult. Sometimes I mean to type an R and I type an E instead. Other times I mean to type a B but get V to my dismay. However, what gets me frustrated the most is when I make a mistake and === appears in place of the backspace.

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gianttoenail99 2 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
I feel it :-(
sonichedghof 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
adamyaaz64 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
This is kind of funny to type when you have a custom keyboard where none of these keys are anywhere near each other.
zalyx 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
lmaooo true af
lenorite 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
And of course there's that moment when your hands just give up on you without any mistakes.
weiahe 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
that moment when you actually type backspace instead of equals for once but you're wrong
divine_. 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
I feel your pain to a certain degree.

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bunniexo 160.10 95.7%
berryberryberry 137.30 96.1%
user939249 134.48 96.1%
gordonlew 124.79 99.6%
user291759 124.55 98%
69buttpractice 123.40 97.6%
netzero 122.92 98.8%
venerated 121.44 97.6%
gbzaid 121.08 97.2%
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yoko 64.49 87.2%
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ryno4117 85.21 95.7%
cattype123 59.80 99.2%
user100547 53.30 93.1%