Stupid Testing Rules - Diana V.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user79374
When will the others finish their test? Why am I forced to be stuck here to do nothing? Even writing this currently is breaking the rules, "Oh I might be cheating." Yes, with the stranger across the room, I will sacrifice my education for them.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 171.26 97.6%
user491757 128.82 96.8%
trishadgk 114.67 95.7%
shawndra82 105.21 99.2%
clonedcow 100.77 100%
user68287 95.21 100%
algo 94.38 96.4%
airus 92.98 94.2%
user104405 91.17 98.8%
bweeta 91.07 97.2%

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guya 64.11 93.1%
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ernimonroe 24.48 87.2%
smartboynaresh 84.11 96.1%
user513723 72.03 97.2%
geageorgia 74.62 96.1%
user104405 91.17 98.8%