Try It - Sailendra K Sahoo

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user74386
If you do the right thing that needs to be done, then you do the right one. Do you know there are many ways things can be done ? Don't do the things that need not be done, instead do those what you are asked to do and do it in a proper way. Doing the job that has not yet done does not prove that you did it right, its doing the one that makes an impact. When you are done, don't stop- society do tend to cross over when you don't do anything. Does that ring a bell ? Did you do it ? How did you do ?

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shivnath 28.78 87.0%

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user97523 82.54 94.2%
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shivnath 28.78 87.0%
user81722 74.50 97.7%