Not a thousand deaths - anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von stacula
Okay I had to type a quote that needs to be accepted. I failed my first attempt because it already exists. "I will not die a thousand deaths like a coward, They will only kill me once," said the anonymous fighter.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
colincastle1234 113.03 100%
snow94 85.86 93.0%
alahoy22 83.37 92.6%
somerandomppl 81.06 95.9%
donoshea 76.87 90.6%
charlottehci 72.74 93.0%
user100406 63.15 91.3%
ck541 47.53 94.7%
shinji9 41.54 91.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
somerandomppl 81.06 95.9%
shinji9 41.54 91.0%
alahoy22 83.37 92.6%
charlottehci 72.74 93.0%
user100406 63.15 91.3%
colincastle1234 113.03 100%
snow94 85.86 93.0%
donoshea 76.87 90.6%