this is very easy - ahzzzzz

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ashtxngoes80wpm
As you are typing this, you are progressing very quickly, unless you can't touch type. If you are one of those people, you should learn how to touch type. You can improve drastically just by learning. Within a few months, I improved by 40 WPM just by touch typing. If you are already this far in, you are doing well. You will soon become a professional typist. Good luck, and have fun learning if you haven't already.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
mentalist 125.86 99.8%
geryjs 109.24 96.3%
jacqueline1234 103.14 95.2%
adrianpb 102.62 90.7%
trishadgk 94.78 88.0%
vilelikefire 91.33 97.2%
kreasoner1125 86.69 97.0%
sweenburg007 85.45 93.5%
eric.rodarte 84.49 95%
user107340 83.55 94.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
gotwood248 70.89 97.9%
user109145 36.60 88.3%
user109013 34.50 92.3%
arun0609 38.94 85.5%
user108969 33.80 92.1%
user843630 79.06 94.4%
alcuin 53.07 94.1%
js88 58.90 95.0%