the bell test - nekopara - Nekopara

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von inellipsale
The bell means the cat can successfully navigate within human society. You take a test, and if you pass, you get a bell! You're tested on your knowledge of human rules and norms, whether you're able to resist feline instincts and urges, and whether you're able to behave rationally. And! Chocola and Vanilla are great cats who passed the test in one go!

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
adrianpb 103.06 92.7%
sterlingwolf 85.95 95.1%
user484329 83.71 94.4%
user85179 79.08 95.5%
slaughtermelon 75.06 96.2%
falsesu 74.11 97.0%
user238034 68.30 93.6%
machinist80 59.47 91.7%
user843630 57.70 93.9%
ibbysileo 57.32 91.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
cristalyn 24.86 93.1%
user484329 83.71 94.4%
user109145 39.76 87.6%
shoneywokman 53.91 96.5%
falsesu 74.11 97.0%
sterlingwolf 85.95 95.1%
brro034909 43.16 93.6%
user238034 68.30 93.6%