Take A Break - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von tedwom
I hope this quote finds you well. I hope that this is an easy thing for you to type so you can get a good score and take a break. Remember to take breaks when typing so that you don't tire yourself out. The more tired your hands and brain become, the slower you may type. Take a break every so often.

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promethes 1 Jahr, 11 Monate vor
This quote is super comfortable to type and I always take a break each time I get it.
localbisexual 2 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
tell me why the word "break" became the hardest word in the world to type at the end... i was doing so well too...

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 179.80 98.0%
johnymaccarroni 172.47 98.4%
restspeaker 170.99 100%
69buttpractice 160.60 97.4%
takishan 157.32 99.0%
berryberryberry 156.39 97.1%
hackertyper492 156.13 96.2%
iltranscendent 154.82 99.7%
practicebutt69 154.77 98.7%
user939249 154.56 92.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user781461 86.59 97.4%
bhojo31 109.22 95.6%
tz13 71.02 91.5%
jnorwood22 84.09 96.8%
gwaldrop 105.86 92.3%
npabs 110.35 96.8%
the_1yshk 33.93 90.9%
trishadgk 97.93 88.5%