This quote wurde hinzugefügt von smoke_pope
Yo. Don't stop the grind yo. SERIOUSLY. Don't stop grindin'. HEY! Are you grinding? Because if you aren't grinding, then what are you doing?! You gotta grind to survive ya'll, and the man who ain't grindin' ain't shinin' and that is for SURE. So let me ask you again... Are you grinding? Only your heart knows the true answer to that question.

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yoskrilldropith 4 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Easily my favorite quote to train on. Smoke pope always comes thru!!!!!
oral_eugene 4 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
HUGE fan of smoke pope! Always has the best quotes. LOve typin on em. Rock on smoke pope! Keep it up.

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am4sian 90.59 95.3%
poptart0u812 76.52 88.9%
hatdog 55.30 94.2%
sufelfay 34.62 91.5%
user82735 32.07 93.5%
user80610 19.97 95.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
sufelfay 34.62 91.5%
hatdog 55.30 94.2%
user80610 19.97 95.3%
poptart0u812 76.52 88.9%
am4sian 90.59 95.3%
user82735 32.07 93.5%