Days Gone By - -DAY6

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jegravagus
As I look at the evening sunset, the day I was so relieved that I met you feels like such a long time ago. Now the sunset is just the beginning of the night. Everything was beautiful, there were no blue days. If I look back now it's a little funny but I have no regrets because I loved you from the first day to the last.

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typin_ 171.92 97.3%
user871724 163.92 98.5%
seantype2510 146.75 97.9%
laura10 146.12 100%
hackertyper492 144.17 95.3%
toinfinity 143.80 96.7%
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stevendiao 75.01 92.8%
slamuel 97.12 94.2%
jiggalee 143.14 94.1%