Classroom of The Elite - Syougo Kinugasa

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von davidwitskills
Confessing your feelings to someone isn't an easy thing. You spend everyday in anguish, yet you still can't do it. The words "I love you" hang in your throat, and you can't seem to force them out. I think her earnest feelings deserve a proper answer, don't you?

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kiriiya 2 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
lmao :skull:
smokemifugottem 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Not me normally. I'm an open book, I love her? You best believe I'll tell her. Unless I'm not dating her then that'd be awkward. Opt for a couple of dates first. I suppose if she was a friend the whole dynamic would change a bit, but I could get it out nonetheless. Feelings are easy, bub.

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