Jungkook (BTS)

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ishitaarmy7
Effort makes you. You will regret someday if you don't do your best now. Don't think it's too late but keep working on it. It takes time, but there's nothing that gets worse due to practicing. So practice. You may get depressed, but it's evidence that you are doing good.

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chenille 1 Jahr, 3 Monate vor
What if being depressed actually isn't good.
colemak12 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
This is a bad motivation speech for a serial killer.
slowtyper237 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor

ok so here's a bit of a confession but I actually don't know BTS at all I just pretend because my best friend is a big BTS stan and I do a lot of research at night so I look in the know but I feel nothing at all what do I do my life is a lie and if what jungkook says is true I am doing so good right now

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