On becoming an expert - ioeau

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ioeau
To master some technique, including touch typing, it might be good enough to practice (almost) every day for a few months. To excel at that technique though, it might be necessary to do a more deliberate practice, where you focus your efforts certain aspects of the technique that help you move beyond what the average master can achieve exclusively with the typical, less deliberate, approach.

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fancymans 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Can we please stop submitting passages about typing they're all frustrating to type while reading.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
zaoxa 120.26 94.7%
stillow 119.17 97.5%
strikeemblem 116.30 95.2%
angel_poi_ 115.29 98.7%
hackertyper492 115.07 94.0%
gordonlew 114.20 95.2%
powerpoon6 111.24 98.7%
buwan 108.62 95.6%
harrypotter_hermione 108.13 95.4%
indigopush 107.42 94.0%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user843630 75.79 94.7%
lwaller145 73.03 96.8%
bigboi99 88.30 92.9%
remremrem 76.80 96.3%
user11228 46.70 87.8%
user108259 17.46 87.8%
user659552 28.79 91.2%
lome 80.62 97.0%