What has brought you here today? - Isabella

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von izzybow
I wonder what brings you here, why it is you have decided to come to Keyhero. Perhaps be cause you have not typed in a while and you are getting the rust off you fingers. Maybe you were just curious what your average is. Or it could be you are challenging the limits of your fingers; how fast you can type until your fingers fall off. Your reason for being here is for you to know and for me to keep questioning.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 189.06 98.3%
lome 140.48 97.9%
strikeemblem 122.98 96.7%
geryjs 121.11 96.7%
colincastle1234 120.46 98.6%
marchtoglory 118.27 93.6%
mafuso 110.11 96.5%
jacqueline1234 106.05 97.6%
user108043 105.71 94.1%
user717489 103.85 95.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user957925 97.52 97.2%
user104995 61.15 96.5%
rubenpire7 91.50 95.6%
youdontwantokno 73.40 94.3%
mike7lap 40.48 98.6%
sitikyubee 69.80 95.6%
colincastle1234 116.00 98.1%
soymilk00 75.43 92.4%