I like KeyHero - Bored and Lonely Typing Enthusiast

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von sfml
One of the reasons I enjoy this site so much is the quotes themselves. I could use a site like 10FastFingers and type arbitrary words or sentences, but the variety of quotes this site has is entertaining to me. Sometimes, the best part of a session on this site isn't my typing practice, but some new piece of media or literature that I learned about through a quote.

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guest._. 2 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Imagine playing TypeR***r.
kumagai 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Same. The series of books I'm currently reading actually came from a quote on this site lol

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
bunniexo 166.92 97.6%
berryberryberry 164.78 96.4%
venerated 148.76 96.1%
mothertrucker 144.73 96.4%
user491757 142.73 97.9%
user871724 142.15 93.4%
user939249 137.40 96.3%
user64764 135.78 95.8%
algo 132.77 99.5%
stillow2 132.65 99.2%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
dragonflyiz 79.52 93.4%
queenrita124 9.29 95.8%
tang 117.92 95.3%
user843630 70.97 92.2%
jessc.90 62.62 95.3%
user107477 41.26 96.6%
user832052 73.51 91.6%
choobs 42.90 93.4%