Glimpses - MindMirror

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von skygate
He climbed into his bed and wondered if she would come to him tonight. He heard her door close and he rolled onto his side toward the door. Lightning randomly flashed across outside his window and lit the gap beneath the door as he watched for her footsteps. He kept thinking they might be coming as the shadows played tricks on his heavy eyelids.

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stephendumeyer 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
When was this posted because there's no way I'm worthy of second place

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user871724 156.87 96.7%
restspeaker 148.91 100%
alliekarakosta 146.69 100%
hololivefan 146.39 100%
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mrlazav 143.18 98.0%
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penguino_beano 139.18 97.7%
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bbellemare 47.59 93.8%
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yagoliz 107.65 98.3%
mohd_talib 61.64 98.6%
user843630 72.69 94.8%