Using a Typewriter - Gina Ublvinutsky

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user85997
Using a typewriter was not that easy. A typewriter (not necessarily electric) had a ribbon with usually black and red ink. A piece of paper was inserted in the machine, and the typist would have to bang on the keys so they would hit the ribbon evenly. If more than one copy was needed a piece of carbon paper was inserted in-between the pages. If a mistake was made, the original and each copy had to be erased before the document could be completed. Typists strived for accuracy!

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kxenia 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
and here I am with 88% accuracy, sorry haaaa XD

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venerated 144.60 99.6%
strikeemblem 128.66 98.4%
strikeemblem 128.66 98.4%
feuv 127.59 98.4%
user871724 126.23 92.6%
user939249 125.50 94.7%
user81230 123.60 98.0%
jiggalee 123.39 93.4%
segeeslice 121.84 97.8%
user64764 120.86 94.7%

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ginhodges 40.17 95.8%
koda 108.42 93.8%
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npabs 96.90 95.2%
user843630 78.83 95.6%
missanav87 40.57 92.3%
nightowl_1325 40.25 95.6%
user90997 72.03 87.2%