True - ibsnuggs

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von snugg
I haven't found a better place to type at yet. A few of the reasons that come to mind are; clean sentence structure, proper punctuation and grammar, the rating system, and other places just can't match the quality of the quotes that appear here. Often I find myself nodding in agreement with a quote and what usually follows after is a verbal, "true."

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practice19 2 Stunden, 35 Minuten vor
Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one myself.
mumma 4 Jahre vor
I think you meant to type 'verbal' not 'vebral'

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
petrolfume 100.47 95.6%
slaughtermelon 88.19 98.0%
elpatrongarcia 83.30 95.1%
queenrita124 82.03 95.1%
user421490 79.49 98.0%
hmyerscoomer 70.20 93.1%
smashtoub 69.52 96.7%
bkbroiler 69.50 94.4%
user703302 54.25 89.1%
doortonowhere 53.76 92.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
bkbroiler 69.50 94.4%
alimamasarogan2 17.24 93.9%
user421490 79.49 98.0%
slaughtermelon 88.19 98.0%
smashtoub 69.52 96.7%
queenrita124 82.03 95.1%
user703302 54.25 89.1%
elpatrongarcia 83.30 95.1%