Kids are the Worst Storytellers - Tom Segura

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von skelteonsclone
And then you ask one question, like "How was that?." And they go, "I have, when Jeanette came by she brought the yellow cup that she didn't wanna kick the ball back but I said can if 'cause Bryan's cup is red that if you don't have it now, then you don't have to bring the 'cause the blue one that Jane had was with her. I said, 'If you don't have it, you can use mine now. But then next it's my turn.'"

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skelteonsclone 4 Jahre vor
zizuke, where do you think punctuation should be improved?

Note: I left it how it is because it added to the chaos that is a child's train of thought.
mumma 4 Jahre vor
This is great and I'm sure would be appreciated by all parents. And it left my head spinning in much the same way as trying to make heads or tails of Trump's many fumbling and bumbling speeches
zizuke 4 Jahre vor

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