This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user64558
Do you really want to know what COVID - 19 really stands for? Do you really think you want to know? It stands for Certificate of Vaccination ID. And if you turn the one and the nine into numerology. One would be the letter A and nine would be the letter I. And that stands for Artificial Intelligence.

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catrice 4 Jahre vor
If you write "user64558" backwards, you get "85546 resu", which doesn't make any sense, much like this quote.
memerman3000 4 Jahre vor
Ain't that a neat lie
mumma 4 Jahre vor
Seriously? Thousands upon thousands of people are dying of this illness and you think it's appropriate to spread garbage like this? Why don't you actually do some good and write about the importance of social responsibility and encourage the use of masks?

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