Ravi Zacharias

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user64558
When a plane crashes and some die while others live, a skeptic calls into question God's moral character, saying that he has chosen some to love and others to die on a whim; yet you say it is your moral right to choose whether the child within you should live or die. Does that not sound odd to you? When God decides who should live or die, he is immoral. When you decided who should live or die, it's your moral right.

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mattman2255 4 Jahre vor
No response to this?
mattman2255 4 Jahre vor
Man, Mumma I feel pretty bad for you. People are complex beings. There is so much more nuance to the world than that. It's not that black and white, and spreading hate towards anyone who disagree with you is nothing but counteractive. How are any of us supposed to communicate and figure these problems out if we're shamed into being quiet, slowly building contempt and resentment for or fellow man. And how are you going to equate abortion rights to white-supremacy? You legitimately can't see a difference between these two topics? I mean I fall more in line with pro-choice for the most part. But how are you going to attribute evilness to somebody who doesn't want to kill what they see as babies? We are better than this as a species, I know we are. At least I need to believe that. ¡Ay, Dios mío!
catrice 4 Jahre vor
What do you mean by opposing the person?
mumma 4 Jahre vor
I don't need you to provide me with a definition, thank you. And call it what you will, but i think a fair and accurate measure of a person's character is the beliefs that they espouse
blaugershnauger 4 Jahre vor
Are...are you serious?
That is the literal definition of the Ad Hominem fallacy, which is an attack on someone's character as opposed to their views.
mumma 4 Jahre vor
That must be one of the most naive, ill-informed ideas I've come across on this site. One must oppose the person committing the actions, not just the actions themselves.

blaugershnauger 4 Jahre vor
Regardless of your take, abortion is a hot button topic with representatives on both sides. It is an individual's duty to question and debate the action; not the person who opposes you.
mumma 4 Jahre vor
uh no....if someone was posting white supremacist hate, I would expect everyone on this site to be indignant. The poster of such a hateful comment would not be deserving of respect or understanding. This quote's hateful, preachy, moralistic message is just as dangerous and just as ignorant as any garbage that comes out of a white supremacist's mouth. If someone is going to preach against abortion, they should expect some push back. And you can't and should not worry about being insulting to someone like this
blaugershnauger 4 Jahre vor
As a mature adult, I am sure you are capable of voicing your opinion without being insulting.
mumma 4 Jahre vor
If someone is going to post a quote about a politically charged topic like abortion, they can expect others to voice opinions. This person's quote was toxic
blaugershnauger 4 Jahre vor
That is your point of view Mumma. Please don't be so insulting to those you don't agree with, it is toxic.
mumma 4 Jahre vor
And this is exactly why I feel compelled to post anti-religious quotes - to balance out this kind of garbage. This religious, anti-abortion garbage is sick and twisted

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