Vanessa - Charles Spearin

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von lozenge
I was born deaf, so people ask me over the years, "What do you hear?" And I couldn't really answer because I didn't know what it was like, what it was like to hear, so how could I compare? It was just the way life was for me, the way the world works for me. It was very natural for me not to hear the way you would hear. Lipreading came very naturally to me. Very sensitive to vibration, the movement of air in the house.

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lynchrobinson 105.83 93.6%
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shang88 79.91 95.2%
nobleinfantry 75.62 95.0%
sweenburg007 75.46 92.3%
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user108043 99.64 95.0%
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eigilus 56.05 97.2%
nobleinfantry 75.62 95.0%
john99876 39.41 97.0%