The Globglogabgalab - Carsten Bruse

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von weiahe
I love books! And this basement is a true treasure trove. I am the Globglogabgalab. The shwabble (you thought I was going to make you type it) I'm full of shwibbly liber-kind I am the yeast of thoughts and mind.

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weiahe 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Can I not delete this cringe

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guinessbook1 78.92 92.5%
emanh2222 77.55 98.1%
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yousseff 51.24 86.1%
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guinessbook1 78.92 92.5%
typin_ 148.98 98.1%
idkbrotypingiscool 55.83 96.3%