
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von catrice
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me, and together, we can block all the people behind us so they can't pass by.

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sstruck007 2 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
getpunked 2 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
lol yes
slowtyper237 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Let's become evil overlords together! Here's your required reading:
catrice 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Update: the speaker is no longer walking backward.
catrice 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
The speaker is walking backward. Hope that clears up any confusion!
weiahe 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
First two sentences seem to make no sense because if the listener is walking "behind " the of the teller of the quote, that suggests the teller may or may not lead. And if the listener is walking "in front of" the teller, that suggests the teller may or may not follow. "follow" and "lead" should be switched, right?

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