God's Hall of Fame - Jim Caviezel (rework of a poem by Walt Huntley)

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user48886
Your name may not appear down here in this worlds hall of fame. In fact you may be so unknown that no one knows your name... But God, he never does forget. And in his hall of fame, by just believing on his son, forever there's your name. I tell you friend, I wouldn't trade my name however small, it's written there beyond the stars in that celestial hall, for all the famous names on earth, or the glory that they shared rather be an unknown here and have my name up there.

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jridley11009 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Your name may not appear down here in this world's hall of fame.In fact you may be so unknown that no knows your name...But God, he never does forget. And is hi hall of fame,by just believing on his son,forever there's your name.I tell you friend, I wouldn't trade my name however small, it's written there beyond the stars in that celestial hall,for all the famous names on earth, or the glory that they share: I'd rather be an unknown here and have my name up there.

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