Nonsense Quote - Doesn't matter

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von stephends
This quote is meaningless, and should not be rated by those who've seen this. We know that twenty-twenty is a very difficult year for all of us. Do not worry, my friend... this is a meaningless quote.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user491757 134.33 98.5%
strikeemblem 131.14 97.1%
dante-didit 123.74 98.5%
user381085 120.60 96.2%
neumnotele 93.38 99.0%
noskipfellow 91.64 94.8%
jfeades1 88.92 96.6%
user830398 87.57 96.6%
m_murasaki 87.55 93.9%
elpatrongarcia 85.82 93.5%

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user830398 84.91 92.6%
user491757 134.33 98.5%
whasingmachine 32.05 93.9%
kolowie 70.11 90.1%
user99861 37.58 92.6%
user484084 79.41 96.2%
lordbones 56.72 98.0%
typinglindsey 75.70 97.1%