What Motivated Me To Learn How To Type - Typing Enthusiast

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von cpr040304
What motivated you to learn how to type? When I was in high school, I asked my parents for a computer, so they promised they would buy me a new computer only if I learned how to type. I registered for typing classes at our local community college, and I learned how to type using an IBM typewriter. Shortly after completing the typing course, my parents bought me a computer. I can still hear the loud typewriter sounds.

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beefybread 3 Jahre vor
uh the seventh grade comp sci was in fact, not about comp sci.

but hey I can type at 100 wpm now so...

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 158.26 95.2%
venerated 146.35 97.9%
thanatos 137.27 97.2%
alliekarakosta 136.08 98.4%
user939249 135.65 93.1%
zhengfeilong 131.87 98.8%
rivendellis 130.41 97.9%
adilzinoune 128.53 96.8%
gbzaid 125.81 97.7%
lirich90 122.30 96.8%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user781461 74.05 93.8%
user977125 86.94 97.0%
tengugod 49.46 86.8%
reamerton 66.07 92.3%
user109145 38.55 87.8%
nathanbyers 94.27 92.8%
bp.kuma 56.54 92.3%
pcerda 57.54 93.8%