Ah yes, to write a quote - Dylan Marriott

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user569530
Ah yes, to write a quote is a task that everyone must undergo at some point in their typing career, whether it be as soon as they join or later down the line, eventually one must write one. And to write a quote is to make a contribution towards the typing community, by adding another quote for all to type out.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user551793 133.95 99.4%
dcb87 130.68 99.4%
user74592 125.60 97.2%
npabs 125.13 98.7%
jacqueline1234 114.78 97.2%
dante-didit 107.25 97.5%
donoshea 102.31 96.9%
user830398 98.33 98.7%
kicko 97.05 95.1%
rkoh 96.90 96.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
cristalyn 24.84 90.5%
riza0516 24.34 87.1%
user830398 98.33 98.7%
dcb87 130.68 99.4%
fe_gonzales40 19.04 94.5%
user746708 62.04 96.6%
gbennet 82.12 94.8%
itmeboii 81.55 91.5%