Badges - Geronimous Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von skzismyult
I am only writing this because I want that third badge. I feel like I know exactly the rating this will get, but it's okay. Well then, I shall send you off on your way.

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2.6 out of 5 based on 11 ratings.

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cnt_ply 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
The third badge is for you rating other quotes not other people rating your quotes

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Score (WPM) Verteilung für dieses Zitat. Mehr.

Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
ned1230 136.98 98.8%
suikacider 129.61 93.0%
lex.ari 125.09 93.3%
liluglymane 122.18 94.4%
user425222 120.39 98.2%
user64970 118.62 100%
user81912 115.48 97.7%
strikeemblem 115.44 96.0%
noobplayer 108.08 96.6%
k8thegr81 107.35 98.2%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
bellegyeom 63.60 98.2%
ned1230 136.98 98.8%
user90946 58.10 97.7%
noobplayer 108.08 96.6%
artyne 75.36 92.9%
arun0609 33.22 84%
han-yolo 31.49 89.9%
user751214 69.39 96.6%