About loneliness and lonely people - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von eduardo1098
Some people have this erroneous notion about lonely people. They think that lonely people are feeble minded because apparently they do not have the will to go outside and make 'friends' or do things that other people do. In reality, lonely folks have the ability to live long periods of time without company and still enjoy their lives, while other people somehow base their happiness on the presence of others and quite often, when they face loneliness they fall apart in their lives.

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bvw 10 Monate vor
Don't look at others so dismally to excuse your own failing -- by failing is meant what the quote author feels in penning it. Or keyboarding it. The signal that he or she considers 'loneliness' a failing is in a few places here. One signal is the initial defensiveness, for it is the author that calls up the sense of being labeled 'feebleminded', not anyone else. The other is in the curse the author lays on the 'other'. The curse that they fall apart in their lifes when they face loneliness. That's not so, it can be in a case or a few, but in general: no. We write to look inward. Like a mirror to ourselves is what we claim, especially in a negative way, for others. So start importing in your own persona a good outlook to others, and then you might REALLY come to enjoy your own life, including the loneliness. Surely your own lonelienss was bitter to you when you wrote this

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