Basketball Inspiring Quote please give this a 5 Star rating for Me and Kobe Bryant and his Daughter please. - Hayden Denson

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I want to say this after his death on January 26th, 2020 before the pandemic started Kobe Bryant is probably the greatest player you would see on the basketball court and had been inspiring players all over the world the art of basketball and this is his famous quote you should remember is "Everyone looks at your watch and it represents who you are, your values and your personal style." - Kobe Bryant #24.

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dnakamura650 88.39 99.8%
dylanhouchin 79.07 92.7%
user108791 28.28 93.6%
galaxy.speck. 61.78 91.7%
jgdude 96.51 94.2%
zitro89 65.14 97.8%
ayanak 52.88 93.6%
spelling_error 52.59 92.3%