new keyboard - Well it's me, duh

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von toestiee
I can't wait for my new keyboard to arrive. I hope the typing experience will be lovely and I sure do hope it works. Maybe soon I'll order some new fancy key-caps to slap on the sucker, or maybe I'll just stick with the stock set. We'll soon find out.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
zhengfeilong 135.18 98.8%
user491757 132.01 97.3%
destiny-00 130.30 100%
strikeemblem 119.51 98.8%
tjapit 114.32 100%
rossgshaffer 106.87 95.1%
cinoss 105.41 98.1%
walkingking 103.14 93.7%
i_just_wanna_type 102.80 98.4%
algo 102.79 96.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
whasingmachine 44.08 94.0%
user491757 132.01 97.3%
gwaldrop 97.28 94.7%
helven 73.58 97.3%
user949982 77.99 95.4%
tjapit 114.32 100%
somerandomppl 70.46 90.6%
user843630 84.69 95.1%