Why Type? - M

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von paronomasia
I hate writing by hand because my thoughts always go too fast for my pen. However, I love writing out my thoughts. What then, should I do? Type, of course. The faster I can type, the faster I can organize my thoughts into some semblence of language. With every increase in WPM, I notice my thoughts becoming less constrained by the time in which it takes my body to actualize them. The less time it takes for my thoughts to travel from my brain to the computer screen, the less abridged they become.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
mr_snow 111.63 97.8%
user108043 100.28 95.8%
hamchow 94.78 96.0%
m_murasaki 92.54 96.3%
trishadgk 92.13 91.2%
jellyvanessa 91.63 94.3%
rrapattoni 88.98 96.5%
billsrul120 88.25 97.5%
vamshivjkrsna 86.07 97.7%
user107563 79.66 97.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
machinist80 55.83 87.9%
aditya25 43.03 87.9%
smartboynaresh 75.98 96.5%
user108043 100.28 95.8%
user107564 56.15 96.7%
user107564 59.50 95.8%
thecrazydane2 73.75 91.6%
mike7lap 37.28 99.6%