Work Pedestrians - Alexis

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von alexisd
This is me. I'm pretending to be busy because I am at work. People walk by and look at me but they don't think twice. It's nice. I can type away all day and nobody says anything. I know they have to be thinking "She is typing the longest email of all time."

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user871724 156.22 98.5%
user491757 144.17 98.5%
colincastle1234 116.29 99.6%
mafuso 114.50 96.6%
bigboi99 104.89 98.8%
dante-didit 95.87 94.5%
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vamshivjkrsna 79.61 98.1%
the_hornburg 74.32 94.8%

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user491757 144.17 98.5%
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baluze 50.83 90.8%
the_hornburg 74.32 94.8%
dante-didit 95.87 94.5%
huntergordon 65.36 95.2%
vamshivjkrsna 79.61 98.1%