A Woman - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von lovelyducklings
It's always about what he thinks, because women can't think, because they're too emotional. It's never about what we want. We always have to sacrifice our lives, our desires, wants, needs for others. We are always "responsible" as the one who takes care of everyone else. Our hopes and dreams don't matter. We're just part of the house. We're just objects of desire. We're beneath you. And I'm tired. I'm okay with being alone.

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chenille 8 Monate, 1 Woche vor
The kitchen is where the knives are.
chieftyper 8 Monate, 2 Wochen vor
quit your yapping and get back in the kitchen
catrice 2 Jahre vor
Incels are not okay with being alone.
jrmccollum 2 Jahre vor
This has some serious incel vibes right here. Hard pass.

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