I hate apostrophes. - N. Lathrop

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von monolithmzk
I'll be honest. I hate quotes that have an unnecessary amount of quotation marks and apostrophes. I will be flying at well over ninety words per minute, and the second I see a group of quotations and apostrophes coming up it instantaneously throttles my speed. Maybe it's psychological, maybe my pinky sucks. Anyways, if you are like me, I hope you enjoyed this quote with literally two apostrophes and no more.

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essdyn 9 Monate, 4 Wochen vor
If there's a quotation mark or apostrophe at the start of the quote, I skip immediately
flexximilian 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
I'd suggest to use "precisely two" over "literally one". ;)

And I agree with idlepancake. And with you! I'm on an ISO DE (German) layout, and the apostrophe is next to my Enter key. I literally lift off my right hand, move it over there and then use the right thumb and index finger to type the darn little sucker, and then I've got to find my home row again, trying not to make a off-by one error in the process. Never mind the double strike when it ends up as 'Ä. Again.
idlepancake 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Sure, but you made me spell "apostrophes" like three times.

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