The Spacebar

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von quarter
Which thumb should we use to press down on the spacebar? Both of course! To do so, use the thumb opposite to the finger that you just used to type the last character. This way, you spread the effort between the two. It takes practice, but you'll get it down. Happy optimizing!

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quarter 1 Jahr, 2 Monate vor
Although I still type the spacebar with both thumbs, I don't champion this position as strongly as I used to. Many of the world's fastest typists type with one thumb just fine. If you were to choose just one thumb, go with the right as most words end with a letter typed with the left hand.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 170.99 94.2%
strikeemblem 119.54 97.9%
bmcgoo 117.97 98.2%
user381085 114.16 97.9%
dcb87 114.13 98.2%
jaredro 112.92 94.2%
hubrmol 110.39 98.2%
skyhako 110.04 100%
user271120 109.77 96.5%
kyle_w 109.11 98.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
maadj 75.64 97.2%
maheem 59.93 95.5%
dcb87 114.13 98.2%
kris10 64.24 98.6%
designatedmounter 61.86 87.1%
donoshea 96.96 96.2%
skyhako 110.04 100%
simi_ 99.63 100%