Advice for improving speed - A helpful person

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von amrita
A great way to improve your typing speed is to use the Instant Death mode. Each time you log on, note down how many lines per quote you can type without making an error; the average for that session. Then try to improve this number. You will be forced to slow down and concentrate on hitting the right keys. This will improve your accuracy and believe me, that is the fastest way to improve your WPM. Fair warning - this game can get addictive. I ended up doing 100 quotes in a single session.

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gilbertja77 1 Jahr, 2 Monate vor
Another great way to improve your typing speed is to not have cold and stiff hands. :D
johnymaccarroni 2 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
hold my beer
venerated 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
I don't know about that man, sounds like a good way to just annoy the fuck out of yourself
your_local_furry 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
100? Pfft. Your my 500th one in my today's typing training

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
almohandis 189.04 99.6%
user871724 149.95 96.7%
venerated 141.58 99.8%
johnymaccarroni 137.92 94.8%
user291759 135.39 99.0%
forkhunter 134.67 99.0%
user491757 134.11 97.6%
bennyues 127.06 96.7%
user891679 126.71 99.2%
user939249 124.97 93.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
maadj 61.17 90.1%
user830398 81.23 95.2%
magesh 91.51 94.3%
layeringyellow 76.63 99.2%
user107934 29.84 88.5%
agtrice 84.15 93.9%
user430679 67.95 93.6%
user107694 55.59 97.4%