Be Happy - ChuckyC.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von chucky_cheese
When you are sad, you need to find something that makes you happy. If you can't find something that makes you happy, make happy where you are. Everything is going to be fine.

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dvdllr 2 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
This is atrocious advice
kloudygirl 2 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
this one was fire for me 102.43!! almost beat my top score!! yes

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user871724 213.58 96.7%
fant0m 186.31 100%
jiggalee 184.53 100%
destiny2 183.25 96.1%
johnymaccarroni 183.14 97.8%
user627603 177.57 96.7%
user491757 173.83 100%
fattied 170.84 100%
user381085 167.68 98.9%
restspeaker 166.44 100%

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user484084 86.42 95.6%
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ticalaking 102.01 95.1%
user109196 51.50 94.6%
shang88 92.61 97.2%
shang88 84.04 98.3%
sururururu 42.77 92.1%