Short Quote Quotes - Jeremiah S.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jgdude
I really dislike the disdain people have for short quotes, mainly because I go to this site to see how well I can type for decent amounts of time and genuinely want to speed up my typing by challenging myself while typing. I don't see a point for desiring short quotes unless you want to artificially inflate your WPM, or you want to trick yourself into thinking your WPM is faster than it is. Considering that, I vow for there to be no more short quotes.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 171.07 97.0%
user871724 155.09 97.4%
xmaddockmark 136.91 96.4%
rpendleton 128.69 96.8%
strikeemblem 112.98 93.3%
npabs 107.80 95.4%
dante-didit 106.58 98.1%
user68438 98.92 94.0%
somerandomppl 93.93 96.2%
user830398 90.95 96.8%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user206721 84.78 94.2%
user830398 90.95 96.8%
xchaoticchildx 37.80 85.6%
user79004 67.97 94.2%
user843630 88.44 97.4%
user85658 70.94 95.2%
user108661 60.93 96.0%
strikeemblem 112.98 93.3%