Welcome to the Internet! - Bo Burnham

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von cerealman
Welcome to the internet! Have a look around. Anything, that brain of yours can think of, can be found. We've got mountains of content-some better, some worse. If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first. Welcome to the internet! Come and take a seat; would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet? There's no need to panic; this isn't a test. Haha. Just nod or shake your head, and we'll do the rest.

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sheridesgsxr750 3 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
I love this Thank you for sharing

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hackertyper492 114.64 92.6%
user104582 102.38 98.1%
sungookee 79.27 94.6%
leonadrian 73.06 96.8%
ayusofayush 54.66 88.3%
flajoy 52.55 93.4%
user98809 50.44 93.2%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
sungookee 79.27 94.6%
ayusofayush 54.66 88.3%
user98809 50.44 93.2%
hackertyper492 114.64 92.6%
user104582 102.38 98.1%
leonadrian 73.06 96.8%
flajoy 52.55 93.4%