Trying to find a reason pt2 - Noone

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von sheridesgsxr750
Part Two: Honestly, if I died tonight no one would even notice. It would probably be a couple of weeks before it was noticed. Once it was noticed, I believe not only would it be a relief for me but also for anyone that knew me. I have no one to talk to. Probably why I am typing all this here. Just to get it off my chest. Hopefully, find a reason! Thanks for listening.

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chieftyper 4 Monate vor
Pray to Jesus Christ
boredtyper 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
What is wrong with you @foreverleaving? This person needs HELP not your crazy mythology!
foreverleaving 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Somebody would notice, and He would miss you. His name is Jesus and you are not alone! God loved us so much that He gave His only Son to die for all who would repent of their sins with their heart and mouth, accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior, believe he rose up from the dead, and pick up their cross daily to follow Jesus! Open your heart to Jesus, submit to Him. He's a life-changer and chain-breaker. Have faith, take heed. He is coming!

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