Motivation - strawbs1029

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von strawbs1029
Hey. I just wanted to let you know, yes you. The beautiful person typing out this sentence. That you are an unbelievably incredible and special person. You should never stop being who you are.

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dcb87 1 Monat, 3 Wochen vor
As a jerk who should absolutely stop being who he is, I agree with boredtyper.
s111 2 Jahre vor
absolutely agreed.
blaugershnauger 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
You are one of those jerks.
boredtyper 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Am I the only one that is incredibly irritated by these feel-good, bubble gum quotes? Why bother typing this? Why assume that people are incredible or beautiful? Some people are just jerks and should absolutely stop being who they are!!!

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jiggalee 193.01 100%
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penguino_beano 167.32 99.5%
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rivendellis 153.34 100%
junkbaby 149.79 100%
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hackertyper492 144.78 96.5%
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forkhunter 142.45 96.5%

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