Where are they? - BingBong

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von bingbong15
My friends have me, but I don't think I have them. I am that friend, that one friend who always listens to rants and gives advice. I am that friend, that one friend who's always available to hang out when they're dealing with something at home. I am that friend, that one friend who would know if they're not okay. I am that friend. But who are my friends? Where are my friends? Does it ever cross their minds how I'm doing? Does it ever cross their minds if I'm okay? I don't think so...

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chieftyper 1 Jahr, 8 Monate vor
This is because you are friends with NPCs, no joke...... the world is full of sheep.
jessicarusso416 1 Jahr, 11 Monate vor
These comments are mean, yikes. Obviously this person knows typing here won't solve the issue. Maybe they just want to vent...
smokemifugottem 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Agreed. Talk to your friends. Or drop them. The whiney baby parade will only get you so far... Nowhere.
boredtyper 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
So...why complain to total strangers on this site? Why not be upfront with your "friends" and discuss your issues with them directly? Your problems will not be solved by complaining. Take action

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user871724 180.71 98.8%
penguino_beano 159.35 98.2%
jiggalee 157.91 97.2%
user64764 157.06 99.6%
user291759 146.77 99.8%
venerated 145.12 98.8%
iltranscendent 143.52 99.4%
user491757 143.47 99.0%
charless 143.06 99.6%
restspeaker 142.44 97.2%

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aabhat 70.92 97.0%
kyle_w 105.74 94.6%
user78528 80.98 89.4%
dante-didit 110.48 98.0%
user871724 151.33 96.7%
binxybug4 79.25 96.4%
mafuso 126.20 99.6%
lostinthesauce 54.98 88.4%