Long Quotes - Shade111111

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von shade111111
Everyone complains about long quotes so much, but I don't get it. I like short quotes more. If you mess up on a short quote there's no coming back. A few mistakes and your WPM goes down dramatically with no chance of getting a comeback. On a long quote you can botch the first half of it and still finish with a high WPM due to a good second half. This results in me getting more consistent times on long quotes.

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dcb87 2 Stunden, 36 Minuten vor
Sure, but this works both ways. Same as you can have a terrible first half and then make up for it in the second, you can also have a perfect first half and then mess up in the second, ruining what would have otherwise been a great run.
catrice 3 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Long quotes are a larger sample size and therefore a more accurate representation of ones' real world WPM.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jgdude 107.84 94.9%
komnambongo 105.54 96.3%
esk 99.26 95.8%
user83344 95.45 99.5%
evediaz88 95.38 94.7%
dpaulsen2 90.74 97.9%
azazel 89.18 93.9%
user648745 76.94 91.4%
user289469 73.74 92.2%
reamerton 73.59 96.7%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jknguia 72.98 91.8%
joshsalita30 64.89 95.6%
user83344 95.45 99.5%
jgdude 107.84 94.9%
tonmoy 35.20 93.3%
carloselcrackt1 38.34 89.8%
reamerton 73.59 96.7%
judeamr 64.16 96.0%