To The Surface - All Might

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kyonichiwa
There is absolutely no merit in taking of that faux villain but that creates the opportunity for it to shine brightly. That's right. It rises to the surface. The most important qualification of a hero. The spirit of self-sacrifice!

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user871724 167.07 86.7%
anon2 157.98 94.7%
highhonedjazzyaudio 153.70 98.3%
venerated 144.61 99.6%
penguino_beano 140.23 97.1%
user491757 139.07 98.7%
keyherohero 136.61 96.3%
charless 130.79 99.6%
vyvianto 128.77 99.1%
mrlazav 127.85 98.3%

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yourelder 54.66 95.5%
ticalaking 99.05 95.9%
colinoooooooo 74.73 91.7%
user109555 24.68 89.6%
typinglindsey 81.78 98.7%
user109371 65.83 95.1%
user843630 86.77 98.7%
astrid17 75.33 92.4%