Typing Crisises Reprise - William Nelson

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von catboardbeta
About a year ago, I wrote a quote about the more philosophical quotes on this site, and my opinions on them. I talked about how much I didn't want to have existential crises while typing; I just wanted to type. Since then, after getting hundreds more of this type of quote, they have grown on me. I now find them much more enlightening, and just as interesting as any other quote.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 160.15 96.7%
strikeemblem 149.13 98.9%
iltranscendent 133.87 98.2%
feuv 126.77 94.8%
mafuso 123.96 100%
rivendellis 120.79 96.9%
user660825 120.57 96.9%
2001or2 120.38 89.9%
npabs 116.39 98.2%
spiritowl 114.59 98.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
crocies112 62.97 92.7%
npabs 116.39 98.2%
typin_ 110.67 92.1%
typin_ 160.15 96.7%
dante-didit 101.28 97.2%
mike7lap 38.02 98.7%
kait999 55.70 92.9%
stephendumeyer 89.61 94.5%