Flexion quotes AKA making a typing test to help me memorise quotes for my English exam - Cate Kennedy

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von claudie319
His voice like a bad phone connection, a robot, between locked teeth - sees him swallow and close his eyes instead of shouting at her - realises just how bad it must be - every emotion he's withheld from her for the last eighteen years - boiling and writhing across his face now. It's as if the locked strongbox inside has burst open and everything in there is rippling free and exorcised to the surface.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
strosekd 102.23 95.3%
ltz0 87.71 96.4%
kicko 84.46 94.8%
bluejay 74.42 92.4%
keyboarder902 68.96 97.3%
hellawildtyper 67.57 91.8%
jdamm34 64.34 94.2%
kris10 59.39 96.9%
cattype123 54.83 94.2%
ladytzyion 44.79 95.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
cattype123 54.83 94.2%
jdamm34 64.34 94.2%
strosekd 102.23 95.3%
ladytzyion 41.91 91.6%
kicko 84.46 94.8%
ladytzyion 44.79 95.5%
hellawildtyper 67.57 91.8%
bluejay 74.42 92.4%