Amanda Palmer

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von neveronground
In both the art and the business worlds, the difference between the amateurs and the professionals is simple: the professionals know they're winging it; the amateurs pretend they're not.

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ibnadam 2 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 177.41 94.0%
adilzinoune 152.62 100%
feuv 138.23 100%
user491757 137.66 98.4%
2001or2 137.19 92.5%
km172123 136.14 100%
user291759 135.26 100%
thorgott2 134.78 97.9%
strikeemblem 133.24 98.4%
practice19 130.60 98.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
practice19 130.60 98.9%
user949982 88.93 97.4%
ajmaher19 84.78 90.7%
kehe4 81.35 93.9%
saleheen01924 20.85 91.7%
iangraf 81.70 90.7%
bweeta 94.34 95.9%
remremrem 76.93 98.4%