Faster - Chong

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von chong81
I like this website and these tests. It has made me faster and more accurate. But does anyone else feel like they type faster when it's their own words rather than reading a quote off a screen? Give it a try.

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voooolet 2 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
No, because I have to think pretty hard about how to string my thoughts together correctly. I often go back to edit it.
user970168 2 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
I believe I am faster when I type my own words. I think it is because you can process thoughts faster than you can process what your eyes see.
jasmine004 2 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
I think anyone feels this way. It depends how fast you think of your own words and if you can piece them together. My comment, for example, took a lot shorter to type than to type your quote.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 166.49 98.1%
hololivefan 158.37 100%
berryberryberry 151.38 96.7%
user291759 146.96 100%
user491757 146.68 100%
h7surface 143.24 100%
venerated 139.51 99.5%
violet12333 137.76 96.3%
bmcgoo 137.61 99.5%
user9212 136.02 100%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jgdude 103.96 91.6%
user871724 166.49 98.1%
soymilk00 80.76 97.2%
user88803 88.61 93.3%
dcb87 114.19 95.4%
kenshs 58.23 93.3%
magesh 87.49 93.7%
user83344 104.85 99.0%