Seeking Truth - ~Unknown~

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von goal7
We walk into our living rooms. We flop down on our comfy couches and flip on the news. We listen and believe every word that comes to our ears. But I challenge you friend to look a little deeper than what comes from that black box in your living room. To look a little deeper into the stories you hear and to decide to do your own investigation from time to time and see if the people claiming to "bring you the truth" are really doing their job. And be that educated human who does their part.

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penguino_beano 152.03 99.2%
hololivefan 150.68 99.8%
venerated 148.77 100%
tang 144.98 99.0%
seantype2510 144.92 97.8%
69buttpractice 144.75 98.4%
restspeaker 140.61 96.7%
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gordonlew 135.19 99.6%
user64764 134.39 95.9%

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space_cadet 111.51 97.1%
designatedmounter 76.86 94.7%
donoshea 82.33 90.8%
gotwood248 73.85 96.3%